Player lele150796 posted a message on 16/09 13:29 on the MadWin Forum: Question. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Question
21/09/2006 19:20:38

Oh, that's a very good question. 😉
well, in webmaster's memory, no one has won all 6 issues. On the other hand, we
often have winners Winners issues!

The Web'.

21/09/2006 18:28:37

or you can Play diaboloto you get one free round per day. 😉 and if

not a little question for the web is that a person has already won the jackpot prize 6 numbers?

20/09/2006 18:51:15

well a huge patience but then huge, no but no laugh on MadWin with a minimum of investment and patience we win big prizes very easily without paying them more expensive than their market value quite the contrary.

16/09/2006 13:29:11

how to make a lot ofSilver without having credit

answer please (pink)

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