Player ervangel posted a message on 09/01 11:47 on the MadWin Forum: how many points in exchange for a 100 euro cheque?. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  how many points in exchange for a 100 euro cheque?
07/02/2010 20:00:47

it's not

true If you have access to the VIP window:

A 100 Euros
Cheque 5'917'900 MadPoints

Otherwise there are still the 50 euros Wires left

07/02/2010 02:47:50

If I'm not mistaken, for 2 Wires 50,00 €,
it would take 5.917.900 Madpoints!
Good luck, but anything is possible. 😉 🙋

04/02/2010 10:33:10

well for 10 euros it made me....295.100 points...
I leave you in your calculations so no answer until then. then it can't wait to see them posted quickly, I had to wait since October 2009 for finally this Wire to be exchanged in points this early February 2010!

09/01/2010 11:47:42

hello, can someone tell me how many MadWin points to redeem instead of a 100 euro check??? if someone can answer me,
thank you

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